Alien Ship Scanning
What the title says – I added the ability to scan alien ships. Right now only the Mechans have the proper graphics working – all other ships will display a placeholder image.
Check out the video!
What the title says – I added the ability to scan alien ships. Right now only the Mechans have the proper graphics working – all other ships will display a placeholder image.
Check out the video!
Ok – so I pretty much have the Mechan 9 character and animation all wrapped up and ready to go into the game. Here’s what it looks like!
The torso and the head actually came from two different models I found on the Internet. I think the result looks pretty decent. I also found the modular spacecraft hallway as well. I think the next step for me is to get all the conversation data into the game.
Note: The video below was taken before I made some more tweaks to the colors and camera zoom. The image above is more recent.
Gearing up for communications with the Mechan 9 robots, I searched around and found a halfway decent robot head on the ‘net. I brought it into Blender, exported it into the Collada file format, and then imported it into Max. All of the textures and materials were lost, of course. It’s 2018 – you would’ve thunk that people would have found a way to share materials and textures seamlessly between 3D modeling programs by now. Maybe by 2118. Anyway…
This is the Mechan 9 as seen in the original game:
And this is the Mechan 9 I have for the remake so far… now, don’t freak out about the colors… those are just to help me identify the different parts of the head. These colors are not the actual colors you will see in the game.