The Mysterion Ship

I was able to quickly create and add the Mysterion ship to the game.  By looking at the images from the original game, it looks like the Mysterions fly around in a sphere that is a grid.  Too easy.

All I had to do was create a standard sphere in 3DS Max, then use the edit poly modifier to select all the faces and do a “negative outline”.  Then I deleted all the selected faces and what I was left with was a sphere that is a grid.  I did also use the tesselate modifier, and then the spherize modifier, to make the object more rounded.

Here is a video of the Mysterion ship in action!

By |2019-01-11T11:19:16-07:00December 31st, 2018|Starflight|1 Comment

State of the Remake

It’s time for another “State of the Remake” video!  This one is about 30 minutes long.  In this one, I visit all of the races that you can encounter in the game.  The comm system isn’t 100% done yet, but it is mostly working.  The orange/green “pill” thingy that you will see is just a temporary placeholder for ship models that I have not built yet.

Next up – while the rest of the team are doing research for me to help me get the comm system 100% complete, I will be working on all of the ship models.

Have a safe new year’s eve!

  • Note: apparently there is no sound in the YouTube video… which means the video was recorded without sound. I do not know how that happened.  :-\
By |2019-01-02T10:02:48-07:00December 29th, 2018|Starflight|2 Comments

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I finished the Mysterions.  What should have taken me only a few minutes to do turned into hours because I was having way too much fun thinking up of ways to animate them.  And by “them” I mean the balls.  Lots and lots of balls.  But I’m getting ahead of myself here…

First, here is how they looked in the original game:

Mysterion Original

To start off, I created a grid of 8 by 8 by 8 balls, or in other words a 3D grid of 512 balls.  Then I whittled away the corners of the “cube” of balls until it was a “sphere” of balls.  That left me with 208 balls.  That was it for the work needed to be done in 3D Studio Max, and it was time to bring it into Unity.  Here is a screenshot of how it looks in Max:

Lots of Balls

Now within Unity, I was able to play with the balls by creating a script to animate them.  I tried a few things and then stumbled upon a really nice way to move and make them grow and shrink.  It’s basically a very simple Simplex noise fractal algorithm that takes up only 13 lines of code, but if you watch the video you’d swear that there’s some kind of intelligence behind the movement.  It’s so mesmerizing.  Ok, I’ve kept you in anticipation long enough – here’s the video!

By |2018-12-23T08:57:20-07:00December 23rd, 2018|Starflight|0 Comments
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