Spemin Character Modeling – Work in Progress

Today I started work on the character modeling for the Spemin.  The Spemin is the next race that I will build the comm system for.  I started out by modeling out three hemispheres, boolean’ed them together, decimated the mesh to make it rough, then applied the meshsmooth modifier, and optimized the mesh.  I pretty much have the character itself all complete, blob and all.  Next, I need to create the interior of their ship to use for the background.  It’ll probably be some kind of organic mess dripping green goo…

Enjoy the pictures!

Bonus at the bottom: a quick eye animation test in Unity.

By |2018-12-09T13:01:20-07:00December 9th, 2018|Starflight|2 Comments

Our Data Banks Are At Your Disposal

The comm system is done!  You can now interact fully with the Mechans.  If you have a human crew member, they will ask you questions to verify that you are Noah 9.  If you answer 5 of them correctly with no mistakes, you will unlock the data banks and then can ask them questions until they get bored of you and terminate communications.  There’s no combat yet, so answering their questions wrong will just make them not like you anymore.

Check out the video.  Next up, Spemin!

By |2018-12-09T11:18:00-07:00December 9th, 2018|Starflight|0 Comments

Mechan Comms – Work In Progress

Hello all!

This weekend was a good weekend.  I was able to get a lot of the “bones” of the communications system in.  This required some reverse engineering (and guessing) of how the comm strings data was set up and used in the original game.  You can now enter into communications with the Mechans, but the same code will be used for all of the alien races in the game.  I also came up with some pretty cool video graphics effects for the alien viewer.  Check it out – what do you think?

By |2018-12-02T10:11:34-07:00December 2nd, 2018|Starflight|0 Comments
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